Sub Rosa Therapy

An Integrated Mental Health Clinic

Bozeman > Montana


Welcome to our clinic, where we bring together ketamine-assisted therapy and a collaborative team approach with medical and mental health professionals. Rooted in research-based therapy, our mission is to enhance mental health outcomes through the ethical and compassionate use of expanded states of consciousness.


At Sub Rosa Therapy, we are committed to providing accessible and inclusive services. Given the inconsistency in coverage of ketamine for mental health, we collaborate with two mental health scholarship programs: Suffer-Out-Loud and Thank You Life. Recognizing the pivotal role of health insurance in facilitating access to mental health services, we have contracted partnerships with all major private insurance companies, including our contract with TriWest Health Alliance and in-network participation in the Montana Medicaid & Medicare Programs.

Our clinic is rooted in collaboration and evidence-based practice, and we promote social and ecological justice. We are dedicated to supporting individuals across the spectrum of physical, mental, emotional, social, and environmental well-being. This commitment extends beyond our clinic to advocate for the improvement of public health systems and to deepen ecological consciousness in ourselves and others.

As therapists and medical providers, we integrate a nuanced understanding of societal structures, power dynamics, and cultural influences into our mental health practice. By doing so, we strive to provide integrated care that addresses the multifaceted needs of each individual we serve.

Finally, we are dedicated to the ethical and compassionate use of expanded states of consciousness, via ketamine and future legal psychedelic medicines, to enhance overall well-being. Please reference the NorthStar Ethics Pledge and Kriya Ethical Guidelines for more information on this commitment.