Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Groups

What are Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Groups?

Ketamine-assisted therapy groups involve individual clients who have completed individual sessions at Sub Rosa coming together in a therapeutic setting to receive ketamine treatment under the guidance of a therapist. These groups are designed to provide support, guidance, and a sense of community for individuals undergoing ketamine therapy as part of their treatment for various mental health conditions.

How are the Groups set up?

In a ketamine-assisted therapy group:

  1. Administration of Ketamine: Participants receive ketamine through IM shot at our clinic in a controlled and supervised environment. The dosage and administration method are determined based on individual needs and treatment protocols.

  2. Therapeutic Support: Two therapists facilitate the group session, providing support, guidance, and psychotherapeutic interventions before, during, and after the ketamine administration. Therapists help create a safe and supportive atmosphere where participants can explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

  3. Group Interaction: Participants have the opportunity to interact with each other and share their experiences, insights, and challenges related to ketamine therapy and their mental health journey. Group discussions may focus on topics such as coping strategies, personal growth, and integration of ketamine experiences into daily life.

  4. Integration and Follow-up: Following the ketamine administration, the therapists facilitate integration activities to help participants process their experiences and insights gained during the session. Participants may also receive guidance on self-care practices and follow-up sessions to support their ongoing mental health and well-being.

In group therapy, we harness the power of our collective experiences, supporting each other's growth, healing, and transformation.

Would a Ketamine-Assisted Therapy Group be good for me?

Group ketamine-assisted therapy can be beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it fosters a sense of community among participants, providing them with a supportive environment where they can share their experiences and struggles with others who understand. Additionally, group therapy allows individuals to learn from each other's insights and perspectives, broadening their understanding of their own challenges and coping strategies.

By witnessing others undergo similar experiences, participants can feel a sense of normalization, reducing feelings of shame or inadequacy. Peer support within the group can offer emotional support, encouragement, and practical advice, helping individuals navigate the ups and downs of the ketamine experience. Group therapy also provides opportunities for social learning and skill-building, allowing participants to observe and learn from each other's coping strategies, problem-solving approaches, and communication styles. The integration of the ketamine experience is enhanced through group discussions, facilitating personal growth and transformation.

Overall, group ketamine-assisted therapy offers a supportive, collaborative, and enriching environment for individuals seeking relief from mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and others.